Thursday, August 14, 2014

KAEYC Annual Conference

Registration for the KAEYC Annual Conference is now open!  Jeff Johnson is the keynote speaker.  We had him come to Manhattan when I was working with Raising Riley.  He is really entertaining, and very interesting.  He has a wonderful perspective on Early Childhood Care and Education!  I would recommend the conference just to see him!

This is a great way to get 6 hours of KDHE approved professional development in one event (more if you attend the PreConference Event).  The conference itself is on Saturday, October 18 from 8:00 to 4:30, and the PreConference is the night before on Friday, October 17 from 7:00 to 8:30.  I am not positive, but I believe that Jeff will be doing the PreConference event, as well.  I have only been to one PreConference event, but it was really cool.  It was a very good atmosphere, and we were able to be a little more interactive than during the other sessions.  And it gives you a chance to get to know the keynote a little better.

Check out their site!